Here comes the Space Mummy Caz, you shouldn't have taken his stuff. It was really quite interesting producing this image but it ended up looking much slicker than I intended. My partner in crime Babsi compared it to a disney look, and anyone who has checked in with this comic strip blog should know that I'm much more after a Bill Waterson look! Oh well. I am also trying to find other people on blogger or typepad or whatever who are doing the same thing as this and publishing a comic strip blog. So far I have only managed to find the dilbert creators blog, (another favourite of mine, not for the art of course but for the ideas) and not much else. I'm finding it really hard to sift through all the blogs out there and find really good comic strip blogs to read and enjoy. When I find them I'll do my best to make note of the link and make some kind of blog roll someplace here on this site. That's a project for the future though. Right now just because I mentioned him a link to a Dilbert book.
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